November 29, 2012

1:12 Scale Flower Shop

This morning I've been decorating the Dancing Fairies Flower Shop for the holidays.  I built this 1" scale shop from a kit several years ago. 
Hope you enjoy the pictures.

A melted snowman.


November 28, 2012

Just Catching Up

Several of you asked about Arabelle's visit.  It was a wonderful week. We spent lots of time running errands, taking walks and cuddling.  Her new mom picked her up Sunday.  She was so excited to see her!  Arabelle didn't even look back when she got in the car.  I was relieved to see that she wasn't upset about leaving. Of course, I shed a few tears but settled back into a regular routine with Heidi and Hanna in a short time. 

Arabelle at her "other home" Sunday night.  Does she look like she misses me?  HeHe!

Thanks for the compliments about my new header.  I made it with post cards from free graphic sites and PicMonkey (a free online photo editing site).

November 24, 2012

Holiday Giveaway!

(Wreath from the Graphics Fairy)

I think I'm long overdue for a giveway so now is a great time to do it.  The winner will be chosen on December 1 and the gift will be decided after the winner is chosen.  It will be fun to do some research and gather a few things especially suited to that person.
All you have to do is leave a comment on this post.

Guess Who Came To Dinner

Some of you might be thinking Sidney Poitier or Spencer Tracy from the 1967 movie with a similar name.  No, it was my 18 year old  cat, Tod.
Tod sleeps most of the time and isn't very active in his golden years.  Thursday when it was time for Thanksgiving dinner he decided to join us and perched himself in the extra chair  a few feet from the table.  After a few couple sad meows, my daughter pulled his chair up to the table.  He sat there like a real gentlemen and she fed him turkey in his chair.  We were impressed by his impeccable manners (not one elbow paw on the table).  
Last night I was heating  the leftovers for dinner and heard  loud meows.   I looked in the same corner and there he was in his chair  waiting to be served.  When we were all seated, I pulled his chair up to the table and shared my turkey.
We all love Tod!   He's is a very affectionate, gentle cat.   My family will always remember the Thanksgiving that he "came to dinner".

November 20, 2012

Arabelle's Visit

Arabelle is spending the week with us while her new family is on vacation.  I've enjoyed her so much!  I have taken her in the car with me whenever I run errands and she loves riding and napping.  I'm keeping her totally separated from Hanna. I don't want to take any chances of them fighting.  I will miss her when she goes to her other home on Sunday but I don't think it will be as difficult as the first time.
I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday! 

November 12, 2012

Christmas Decorations

I don't know what's going on with me this year!  I never decorate before Thanksgiving and only put up half of what I did several years ago. However, this year I have been excited about the holidays and everyday I do some decorating.
These are a few of my Snowtown houses arranged in a small village on my mantel.  These houses are made by Kurt Adler and some were sold at Lowes years ago.  The series is now retired.
This tiny tree is decorated with Hallmark miniature ornaments.  Hallmark stopped making the miniature line last year so I think they will definitely increase in value quickly.
Tod and Vera

These two are thinking their holiday has passed (Halloween) and they are not interested in Chirstmas decorating.
Next week precious Arabelle comes for a visit and I'm so excited and a little nervous too. 

November 5, 2012

Heidi's Surgery

Last week I took my corgi girl, Heidi, to have a growth removed from her back.  There's a wonderful group of vets in Richmond who specialize in dental cleaning and surgery only.  They charge about half of what a full service vet office charges and they are wonderful.  Heidi had no problems, is healing nicely, and goes back this week to have her stitches taken out.
hile we were there we got to meet, Chilly, who is owned by one of the vets.  He was the sweetest dog!  A few months ago he was an entry in a national contest to find a groom for a canine wedding held in NY to benefit a animal charity.  Chilly won!  He and his family flew to NY and he got married!
This is one side of the vet office that was decorated by a local artist named "Happy".  His art is amazing!
The office car is painted to look like a cat.  The car on the other side is a dog.  What fun!