August 8, 2013

Birthday Lunch

Yesterday my very special friend treated me  to lunch for my birthday which was a few weeks ago.  We ate at this charming restaurant with  beautiful gardens.  I loved everything about it.  Even though it was hot, there was a pleasant breeze blowing so we ate outside in the garden area behind the building.  The whole setting looked like you had just stepped into pages of a magazine.

It was such a special day.  Everything was absolutely perfect!  I will add these wonderful memories to the many I already have of time I've spent with this beautiful friend over the years.
Well, my bags are packed and I'm ready to go (wasn't that part of a song).  Saturday I will be in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia at the 43 mile yard sale with another friend making more memories.  No doubt, I'll have tales to tell you next week. 
Have a great weekend!

August 2, 2013

And The Winner Is...

The winner of my three year blog anniversary is Deb whose blog is Garage Sale GalDeb is a faithful reader of my blog and always leaves the sweetest comments.  Deb, please email me with your mailing address.
 I'll be sending her a vintage dish towel, two crocheted potholders and a book on flea market finds.  I read on her blog that she's using some red in her kitchen and I hope she'll like what I picked out for her.