November 19, 2014

My Week in Paradise

My trip to Key West was  incredible! The weather was beautiful  and the seafood was scrumptious.  Below are some of my favorite pics.

Ernest Hemingway's Home
One of the many polydactyl kitties who live at the Hemingway House

Cottage garden shop

Beautiful sunsets every night!

Chickens roam the streets freely and this rooster
 seemed to think our inn was his territory.

We stayed in this beautiful inn.

Miss Tigger was the social director at our inn.

We enjoyed breakfast at this historical bakery.

I can't wait to go back to the island.  I love it!

And last, but not least, please visit my friend, Pat's, new website for her beautiful pound cakes.  Celebration Cakes by Pat.  Her cakes are  beautiful and delicious!
Please mention my post if you order.

November 4, 2014

Belated Halloween Greetings!

Each year I feature on my blog my handsome grand cat in his Halloween costume.   Unfortunately, this year, he refused to cooperate for the photo shoot so the quality of the photos is questionable.   

He's definitely a sweet monkey with or without his costume!

A few weeks ago I posted pictures of a small dressing table that I was working on for my shop space.  I was fortunate to find this cute little stool to sell with it.

The dresser set sold to a mom for her four year old daughter.  It makes me smile to think of a cute little one enjoying it.

My shop manikin "Izzy" was all decked out for the Halloween.  I try to change her outfit each month for the next holiday.  It's fun shopping for her clothes.

This has been a beautiful fall!  The weather has been unseasonably warm in Central Virginia.   I've been able to cruise around with the top down almost everyday.

Next week I'll be marking one more thing off my "bucket list". Monday I am flying to Key West with a longtime friend.  We are meeting her daughter there for the week.  I am getting so excited!  I love flying and haven't flown in several years. 

I'll have lots of pictures and stories to share with you in a couple weeks.