November 28, 2019

Porch Decorating

I always love decorating my porch for Christmas but this year it has been even more fun.  Maybe because the weather is so nice.

I bought my carolers in West Virginia at least 20 years ago.  They were simple boards with painted faces.  Throughout the year, I look for new outfits for them.  The boy with the snowflake sweater was the first one I dressed and he still has his original outfit.  Maybe I will concentrate on finding him something different in 2020.  There's something about that sweater that I like!

I am lucky that there is a huge holly tree laden with red berries just a few feet from my front steps and  I have English box woods across the front of my house.
I start with faux wreaths and garlands and stuff them  natural cuttings.  I also like to use variegated holly.

I hope you have enjoyed this Thanksgiving day with family and friends!  I was fortunate to be invited out to brunch and dinner.  

November 26, 2019

I Am Excited to be Back!

My sweet boy, James Bond!

Good Morning!

I decided to restart my blog this morning.  Starting today, I will be sharing not-so-exciting events in my life which consists of entertaining my three corgis and decorating my house.  I have missed it.

Today it is going to be around 65 degrees in central VA.  I am going to take advantage of the warm weather and spray some shelves for my rented space in a local antique mall.

If you have time to see the movie about Fred Rogers during the holidays, I would highly recommend it!  I have always had so much respect for him and this film confirmed all the good things I have thought about him.

It may take a while for me to get organized and remember how to maintain my blog but I hope you will bear with me!

Miss Perl will soon be four!