February 20, 2011

Miss Vera

Miss Vera has had a very busy week.   Every time I looked out the window she was stalking something.  The moles and voles must be moving around since the weather is warmer.  She is so serious about keeping her yard in order.  She doesn't even like for me to talk to her when she's working.

My daffodils are up about six inches and I noticed yesterday that the forsythia was almost in full bloom at the local botanical gardens.  I sure hope these few warm days haven't fooled the spring flowers and they won't be frozen during a snow storm in March.

Spring is my favorite season!  Everything comes alive after a "long winter's nap".  I can't wait to hear the "spring peepers" peeping.


  1. Mom,
    I love that pic of Vera..She's such a good kitty!

  2. She is for sure! She has brought me so much joy!

  3. Love Vera! She looks like a good keeper of the yard! She also looks a LOT loke my Pierre!. Except of course Vera has two eyes and Pierre only has one.

    Carmen and the Primcats
