October 4, 2010

Susan Paley Pitcher

This is my daughter's 2-quart pitcher by artist Susan Paley.  I have posted about her vases in the past and thought you'd enjoy seeing this pitcher. There are different ladies painted on each side and the colors are beautiful. I think it's my favorite Susan Paley piece that I've seen.


  1. Thanks for visiting me today and introducing me to your blog. The stickers you used on the header are great. I didn't even know you could do that with Piknic. I haven't played with it too much, looks like I need to go exploring.

    Love the pitcher, is it made by a local artist?

  2. It is made by Susan Paley who lives in CA. If you look at some of my older posts, you will see her vases.
    Her items were manufactured by Ganz until everything was retired several years back. I am having the best time with Piknic. Can't believe anything this good is free.
    Thanks for stopping in. Sharon

  3. Sorry, I sold the magazine rack at the flea market Saturday. It was cute, I used it for a long time but I'm trying to simplify so I'm clearing out a bit.

    Thanks for info on Susan Paley. I will go in a visit some of your older posts to see what else you have. They are beautifully done.

  4. I love the magazine rack! Sorry it was sold but I know it would have been hard to ship. Thanks for your compliments! I am looking forward to spending time reading your blog too. It looks like we like alot of the same things.
