November 24, 2010

Birdhouse Fence

Several years ago my friend helped me build this fence out of old wood slabs from a local sawmill.  We decorated it with antique door knobs and miscellaneous old hardware.  In the summer I have a daylily garden in front of it that's very pretty.  However, this past summer the morning glories took over my lily garden and it was a mess.  Hope I can get control of them next year.  I don't use any chemicals on my yard or in my flowers because of my furgirls, so pulling them up is my only defense.

This fence has brought me so much pleasure.  It always makes me smile!


  1. I love your fence! Do you not put anything down for fleas either? My Vet told me to put something down because one of my indoor cats has sensitive skin and has trouble with flea bites. The cat doesn't go out, but the dog brings fleas in even though all of them get stuff on their backs once a month for fleas. I put the stuff down once, but I hate to do it. Twenty years ago there were many lizards in the yard and now they are few and far between. I think all the insecticides people use have killed them off.

  2. Hey Sharon!

    I love your bird house fence! It is just too cute! I might try to make a cute fence like that for my yard! That will have to wait until Spring though! Brrr! It is getting cold out again! Snow is predicted tomorrow!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. After seeing your new banner I thought it was Pats yards but when I talked to her I found out she got the idea from you. It is so great. Love it, love it, love it. Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. That is just the cutest!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  5. Your organic wild but gentle fence is one of those designs you really wished you had thought of , WELL DONE this picture has given people on Pinterest and other sites such delight you deserve a medal for thinking of us such as simplistic effective encouraging idea
