December 14, 2010

Corgi Unrest

Heidi and Arabelle
Yesterday these two complained that Hanna is getting too much blog time.  So I took them out in the snow for a photo session while Hanna was taking an afternoon nap on my bed.

I know there's a deer out there!
After following them around for about 30 minutes, I think they were ready for the session to be over, especially Arabelle.

She's looking pretty grumpy in this picture.

Not Miss Heidi, she's still looking pretty! 

Fortunately for me, the mailman delivered our  "Corgi Secret Santa" package full of toys and peanut butter treats soon after we went inside.  Everyone is happy again!


  1. Oh my goodness she does look like she wants to go in - both she and Heidi are gorgeous Corgi's. Peanut butter treats - yummmy!


  2. Corgi's can make some of the funniest facial expressions can't they! lol Great pictures of them playing in the snow!

    Merry Christmas!

  3. Love your girls and their Christmas card!

  4. it sounds like the girls had a great time in snow
