January 2, 2011

Almost 100 years ago!

This is a postcard sent to my friend's relative in Frametown, West Virginia.  If you click on the picture you can see that the date is up in the top left corner.  It is dated 6/23/13 and is in excellent condition.  It is amazing that this card is still around after almost 100 years.  Isn't the handwriting pretty?


  1. It is just beautiful. That hand writing is lovely and you’re right-amazing it is in such great condition.

  2. Post cards are almost a thing of the past, anymore - oh, people buy them and take most of them home and put them in their scrap books. Now, the dentist sends postcards. That one is a beauty and the handwriting is as it should be, people don't take the time anymore either, to try to write a good "hand". A lost art!

  3. You're right, Sharon. We're all too busy with our computers. I do love my blogging, though!

  4. What a beautiful postcard! Thanks for visiting Brynwood, Sharon. I tried to reply to your question, but couldn't because you're a "no reply blogger". If you'll send a message to me at my edress, I have an answer for you. ;-)
    (dliljegren (at) brynwoodneedleworks (dot) com)

  5. Hi Sharon, How wonderful that this survived all these years. The postcard looks like one of the Gibson Girls which were very popular prints during this time.

  6. It is beautiful and I think handwriting today is almost a lost cause. They don't teach it too much in school. Computers.


  7. Hi. Thanks for visiting and following my blog. I just love old postcards and papers. The handwriting and words are so pretty.
    ~ Julie

  8. And for so long postcards only cost a penney to mail. I believe the price first went up during my childhood. I can still remember when letters cost 3 cents to mail. I guess I'm dating myself.

    Somebody took good care of that postcard!

  9. It seems everyone had such beautiful handwriting back "in the day". (Bet they couldn't type worth a darn. lol) I am your newest follower. Thank you for saying my blog is friendly and peaceful. That is one of the nicest comments I have ever received from a visitor. *hugs*

  10. Wow! That's incredible! The handwriting is just beautiful! People just don't write like that anymore.

    Have a Great Week!

  11. Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog! On enlarging this postcard, what a surprise/coincidence it was to see a Salem, NJ postmark! I grew up very close to Salem, maybe 10 or 15 miles. And the county is also Salem County. It's such a small world now days!
