February 15, 2011

Laughing Duck Farm Blog

Last night I discovered the Laughing Duck Farm blog.  If you have time today, please check it out.  They had the cutest baby goat born just this past Sunday!  I would love to get my hands on her, she's adorable!  I believe this farm is located in Texas and the blog is one you don't want to miss. 

I spent yesterday afternoon outside picking up limbs and starting to clean up the backyard for spring.  The land behind my house is undeveloped and is full of beautiful hollies and hardwoods.  The wind was pretty strong and the sound of it whistling through those trees was great.  There was a beautiful blue sky and the movement of the fluffy white clouds was so pretty.  I'm one of those people who can get "high" on nature real fast!

The corgi girls had a great time!  In between picking up each stick, I had to throw the frisbee for Arabelle and Heidi.  Hanna is not the athletic type and doesn't like getting overly hot and tired. 

Hope this weather is a sign of an early spring!


  1. Thank you for recommending Laughing Duck Farm. I know some of my blogger friends follow it and I will check it out. Sounds like you had a great day with your corgis.

  2. I love Melodie, she's a sweet gal!

    Reminds me, I have a yard full of limbs that I need to get picked up from that last storm. I wish I could train the dogs to fetch them for me. LOL!

  3. Dear Sharon,

    Your blog is a pleasure for the senses!! Love the little everyday things you explain to us and your beautiful pictures!!

    Thank you for following me, of course I follow you too :)

    A big hug for you and your lovely corgis!!!


  4. Oh, what a lovely etsy shop you have!!!

    I follow you there too ;)


  5. Thank you for following me and saying such nice things about me too! I love corgis,and one day plan on having one...or two,lol!
