February 10, 2011

Rome, Italy

This is Trevi Fountain in Rome.  It is one of the most famous fountains in the world.

My friend's husband won a trip to Rome, Italy, from the company he works for.  A few weeks ago they spent eight days there and loved it.
I'm sharing with you a few of her pictures.

The Coliseum

The skyline of Rome


  1. How nice for them. I have never been. If money were no issue for me, I would need no home because I'd be always traveling ;-)

  2. Wow, really beautiful. I would love to go there.

  3. Very nice pictures! I'm wondering if the little children still run over and grab the coins out of the fountain? It's a big tourist thing to throw a coin over your shoulder into the fountain. It's supposed to mean you will return one day. I did it and a short time later they turned the fountain off and all the little children ran in and fetched the coins. I'm not sure it it was for them or they were collecting them for a charity, but we thought it was pretty funny at the time. That was 40+ years ago and I've never been back so perhaps the coin thing doesn't really work. :)

  4. I want to go so badly. I think we should put together a fun trip for blog buddies through an agency. Wouldn’t that be so much fun?

  5. I have been to Italy a couple of times and this makes me want to come back. sandie

  6. How fortunate for them! Would never happen to me!

  7. I loved Italy! Hubby and I were married in Venice and honeymooned through Italy for three weeks.
