March 27, 2011

Easter Egg Door Decoration

I saw this idea on Two Succulent Sisters blog and thought it was adorable.  Using things I already had, I made this one last night.  My egg shape is not perfect but I thought it turned out really cute for my first one.  If you visit their blog, they give step-by-step instructions to make one.
This forsythia is in full bloom right across from my house and directly in front of my sewing window.  I have enjoyed it so much, but we may get snow this weekend and that will destroy the blooms.


  1. That egg is adorable. I love forsythia, but I guess it's too hot here for it to grow because I've never seen it. Growing up in NJ I saw it each Spring and now have some artificial forsythia in a vase.

  2. That Easter hanging thing is very cute! The egg shape looks fine to me - it's hard to sew and curve it just right. Very Eastery!

    Nice to look out and see a forsythia - I still miss mine.

    Happy Sunday!

  3. Love the Easter egg! And thank you - now I know what the name of the bush I see so often is.

  4. I think it turned out really cute Sharon! Love the yellow bush too! I've been seeing them all over this week. We don't have any of those in our yard. I wish they would stay in bloom longer than they do, say at least a few months! I have a beautiful basket that I bought a few years ago to hang on my front door. I can't put it up because every time I do the birds try to build a nest in it! They did the last time it was up and my husband had to move the nest to a tree because every time we opened the front door the mother would fly into the house! After the 2nd time of getting her out he moved the nest and we took down the basket. I can't even put a wreath on the front door either! lol Those birds think they own this house! lol

    Have a Wonderful Day!

  5. We are expecting more snow this week. Sat and Sunday were sunny, but very cold - no icicles melted at all - not ONE! So tired of winter, but will be looking forward to some green and hoping it shows up soon!

  6. I am so honored that you copied my Easter Egg Door Ornament!! It came out great!!! You got the perfect egg shape and I like the Bunny and the "scarf" fabric coming out of the pocket. Hope lots of people make it! It's the highest compliment, isn't it?
    If you want the pattern for the apron I will send it to you. Do you know how to make straps? I don't really have a pattern for those. I guess it's like a 4 inch strip of fabric for the tie straps in the back and for the neck, too.

  7. I loved "Half Broke Horses". Unbelievable some of the things in that book.
