March 7, 2011

Secret Millionaire

Soon the lilacs will be blooming!

I don't watch TV  often and there aren't many shows that hold my attention.  I'm usually thinking about something else that I need to be doing and can't justify sitting  long enough to watch an entire show.  However, last night I watched Secret Millionaire and loved it.  Did anyone else see that episode?  It featured several volunteer organizations in Knoxville, TN, and I loved the twin ladies who ran Love's Kitchen.

Hope everyone has a great week!  There's  a little less than two weeks left before the first day of spring. 


  1. I sometimes watch that program in The Netherlands too!
    Also I want to let you know I have my first give away on my blog....
    Greetings, Diny

  2. I don't watch all that much tv either, I listen to a few favorites (which are being canceled right and left). I haven't seen that one yet, I suppose it is opposite what I do listen to. Will try to catch it when the re-runs start. :-)

  3. Hi, my name is Angela and I'm a tv addict! hehehe I didn't watch the secret millionaire though. I did see the last 5 minutes when I turned to watch one of my shows that came on after it. I seen where the woman gave a place twenty thousands for their soup kitchen. Since I didn't see the show I'm not sure what the needs were for that soup kitchen but I felt that if the woman had millions she could have spared more than that. I would have so much fun helping worthy causes if I were a millionaire.

    Have a Great Day!

  4. I love lilacs and stole your picture - I hope you don't mind. They don't grow here, but I miss them terribly.

    I only get public TV (PBS) and that's all I watch. I have little use for commercial TV anymore because I'm getting older and my time's simply too precious for me to buy into all those silly man-made problems and reality shows.

  5. Angela, I felt the same way about her contributions. It seems she could have given a lot more.


    The lilac picture came from the Graphics Fairy and you are more than welcome to use it. Lilacs are one of my favorites too.


  6. Mom and Angela-
    She gave away 100k and split it betweeon 3 charities and a needy family. I believe the show dictates that amount, not the millionaire themselves. :)
