March 20, 2011

Spring at the Botanical Gardens

A few days ago, my daughter and I spent the morning at the botanical gardens near where we live.  She took these beautiful pictures and I want to share them with you.  They are having an orchid show right now and the orchids were beautiful!


  1. never get bored watching beautiful gardens...
    lovely flowers ;)

    have a beautiful day!

  2. How lovely - what an inspiration for my "garden" - I have always loved Orchids but never attempted to grow one...but I'm planting seeds and am happy watching everything grow so far.

    Spring has sprung! Thanks for the pretty pictures!

  3. Lovely blooms! I didn't realize orchids could come in gobs, for some reason I thought they had a single bloom. (My something new)
    There's such a riot of color - gorgeous!

  4. Just dropped by to say hi and to admire your beautiful flowers....stunning. Thanx also for visiting me...have a great week :)
