April 9, 2011

Bunnyville, NC

Before leaving New Bern on Friday,  I visited with a new blogging friend, Shell, from The  Raspberry Rabbits.  There's not enough adjectives to describe this girl!  She's beautiful, talented, funny and can do anything!  She has decorated her home beautifully and every room looks like a magazine picture.  I loved her studio  where she works on her quilts and quilting designs. This is also the bunny suite!
Sir Walter Harrington was quite charming and performed a few of his favorite tricks for me.  Isn't he handsome?  Every hare is in place.
Sugie Bun Bun was very calm and collected, being the southern belle that she is.  Occasionally, she gave Sir Harrington a quick glance telling him to mind his manners.

Shell is active in a local rabbit rescue organization is quite knowledgeable about the health and well being of these sweet this animals.

After visiting with the bunnies, we had a wonderful lunch at a local restaurant and then it was time to say goodbye.  We discovered that her sister lives very close to me so hopefully, we'll get to visit again when she's in VA.

I am so amazed at the wonderful friends I have made through my blog!  What a blessing!


  1. Oh how fun!! So her bunnies run around the house? I love that--they are beautiful. She sounds like a neat gal :)

  2. When I was in seventh grade we had a class pet rabbit. He roamed around the classroom like the king. Sounds like you had a wonderful time.

  3. Sounds like you had a lovely visit! Love the bunnies, they do make lovely house pets!

    Great picture of the two of you too!

  4. Well I think it is a great picture of you and new blog friend/old blog friend! But smile!! Her bunnies are adorable!!~~Rain

  5. What fun had and oh too short!
    So glad we got to meet in person and I look forward to our next visit!
    Love ya bunches!
    shell and the bunnies

  6. Hi Sharon:
    It's official...I'm jealous! lol I'm so glad that you and Shell had a chance to visit and spend some time together. Isn't she just a doll? I love her to pieces, and hope that when I'm in Williamsburg, the three of us can spend a day together. Your photo is perfect!

    Hugs to you both.

  7. Hi Sharon - I was over visiting Shell today (her blog - not so lucky to visit her in person) and came over to see what you are up to!! Sounds like you two had a wonderful time and I love your miniatures!! Your puppy dogs are also VERY cute!! Kris
