April 21, 2011

Fairy Garden

Today I was at a local nursery and saw this fairy garden made from miniature plants.  I haven't seen these tiny plants before.  I put a quarter in some of the pictures so you could get an idea of the scale.
The plants in the round containers are hens and chickens!  They are about the size of  green peas.

The blue ball is a gazing ball.

This garden was so fascinating! I felt like I wanted to place my dollhouse beside it.  Everything seemed to be in a 1 inch scale.


  1. That has to be the neatest, sweetest, little garden. That would be a great conversation piece.

  2. Oh, my! How wonderful in its "tiny-ness"! Thanks for taking the photos to share with us. Happy Easter to you and The Girls!
    Donna, Kes and Fezzik I.

  3. Oh I just love these little fairy gardens! Thanks for sharing this one. : )

  4. Oh my gosh! That is too sweet! I wonder where I can put something like that around my house. My husband likes to mow grass instead of having flowers around.... bummer.... lol I would have to do it in some kind of a container. I have no idea what the plants are except I do know the hens and chicks! lol I've got to put my thinking cap on! lol

    Happy Easter!

  5. That is the cutest thing!!! Makes me want to learn to grow stuff! hee,hee,hee.
    xx, shell
