April 26, 2011

The Movie "Water For Elephants"

I saw Water for Elephants yesterday and I enjoyed it so much more than the book.  Usually it's the other way around for me, but not this time.  Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattinson were great!  I expect both will be nominated for Oscars.  A lot of the dark details about the treatment of the animals and the circus workers were left out of the movie and that was a good thing.  Of course, I loved Rosie the elephant!  The setting and costumes for the 1930's Benzini Brothers Circus were very beautiful.


  1. I was on the fence about it, Sharon. So I'm glad you liked it and I will go see it because of your recommendation. It didn't get such a good review in the paper, but I know the Herbal Husband wants to see it. So I'll let you know what I think.

  2. I can't wait to see it! I loved the book!
    xx, shell

  3. Thanks for the recommendation, Sharon. I'll have to check it out. Hope you have a nice day.

  4. glad to know this because I just read the book and couldn't imagine wanting to see some of it on the big screen...am considering it now--some of the book was just so horrific...
