May 21, 2011

I Won My First Blog Giveaway!

Jeri at Hopalong Hollow Gazette had an egg roll to determine the winners of her  giveaway.    You just have to head over to her blog and read about it.  Her post is so funny!

I'm excited to say I was one of three winners of her beautiful lithograph.  I can't wait to get my package in the mail.  It is going to look great in my breakfast room!

Thank you, Jeri!


  1. Congratulations Sharon and I have to say the way that was been determined is really fun! I'm going there see the post, bye! :)


  2. Congrats, Sharon ... what a delightful moment fo ryou. Will pop over to read about this.

    Have a lovely weekend ~
    TTFN ~

  3. Oh lucky you! Neat idea with the egg roll also :)
