June 7, 2011

Someone's Nesting In My Fern...

Miss Vera has decided that she likes to rest in the top of  my asparagus fern on the front porch.  The fern has thorns so I can't imagine why she finds it so comfortable!
I wanted to share this picture of my caladiums a few years back.  I have them in the same planter this year but they don't quite look like this.  Hopefully they will before the summer is over.


  1. Miss Vera resembles my Grizelda & Chloe. Grizelda is longhaired, and Chloe is shorthaired. They are 6 months old now.
    You have beautiful photos!

  2. Miss Vera probably doesn't feel the thorns and just considers it and airy, cool place to rest.

    The caladiums are just beautiful, maybe they will be the same, later on, one can hope.
