July 13, 2011

Bored Corgis!

 Would you recognize a bored corgi if you saw one?  This week has been so hard for my furgirls. The heat and humidity have been terrible!   They get so hot with their double fur coats.  We haven't been able to play frisbee in the backyard or even take a walk.

Hanna has taken one long continuous nap! 
I'm not sure where Miss Arabelle was when I was taking pictures today.   She was probably somewhere aggravating the cat.  


  1. My dogs go out for necessities and come right back in, they are not happy with this heat! Poor babies and their fur coats!

  2. I saw a baby Corgi the other day. Oh, so adorably cute they are. Cute pics.
    TTFN ~

  3. Oh they really do look bored. Put in a movie for them : )

  4. What movie would you suggest, Michaele? Maybe,
    "All Dogs Go to Heaven?" LOL

  5. Oh! Corgis! We have two Corgi pals ... Pete and Mimi. They, too, have been having a hard time of it in this heat. They are lucky enough to have cool tile floors by the side door though. Nothing like a cool tile floor to sprawl out belly flop fashion!

    Our pals like to play Frisbee too and chase those firm foam hedron balls ... hours of fun!

    Thanks for stopping by The Spice Garden! Try to stay cool!
