August 29, 2011

I Survived!

I just want to let everyone know that I survived Irene without any damage to my home.  I had lots of limbs, leaves and debris to pick up yesterday, but nothing major.  My electricity is still out as of 10:30 a.m. (since 9:00 Saturday night) Monday.   The winds subsided around 12:00 a.m. Sunday morning.  It was a very long evening! There are so many homes in my area with trees fallen on their roofs, etc. that I certainly can live with the inconvenience of my power being off without complaining.


  1. It sounds like it got pretty rough there! You can live without power, but having to replace a roof, when so many others have the same problem - is not so good, Glad you didn't have major damage. I suppose by now, all the food in your freezer is ruined, but is a small price to pay for riding out the storm. I hope you get your power on soon!


  2. So glad to hear you and yours are alright. Prayers answered. Now, to get the power back on!
    Donna and Tag

  3. Glad you made it thru without injury and too much damage!

  4. I am so glad that you and your babies are safe. Did the corgis help clean up? I bet they a comfort during the storm. I hope they weren't fearful.

  5. No fun being without power...hope it comes on soon. Once we were without power for a week and lost all our frozen foods. Insurance paid for it.

  6. So glad to hear you are well. Some places got hit a lot more lightly than others.
    My daughter in upstate NY said her basement is flooding.
    The loss of life is always so sad...

  7. I'm so glad to hear that all is well except for the electric being out. Have they gave an estimate when they think power will be restored? I hope soon! I'm sure you are ready for it to be back on!


  8. Yippee! Glad you and the family are safe, Sharon! Take care! xxoo Nancy

  9. Thank goodness you survived the crashing trees! As for power outages, we get them here in the country SO often BECAUSE of falling trees. At least 3 times a year, everyone on the road loses power for hours at a time. We have learned to keep emergency lights within an arms reach.

  10. Hope you get your power back soon. Glad that is all that happened. We fared the storm well here also. Lost power for a time but have lots of cleanup to do. LJ
