October 21, 2011

Falling Leaves

Earlier this week I had an email from a friend in California.  About once a month, she and I exchange info on the latest books we've read or movies we've seen.  She just finished reading Falling Leaves by Adeline Yeh Mah who is a Chinese American author and physician who lives in California.  I picked up a copy at the library this afternoon and started reading it tonight.  Below is a review I copied from Amazon:

In 1937, Adeline Yen Mah's mother died giving birth to her. Because of this, she was considered "bad luck", tormented by her siblings and shunned by her father. Her father soon remarried a beautiful, young Eurasian woman who was cruel and manipulative. She treated all five of her stepchildren badly, but saved her real hatred for Adeline. Falling Leaves is the powerful, riveting memoir of emotional abuse and isolation that Ms Yen Mah suffered at the hands of her stepmother. At this point, most would say, "Why would I want to torture myself by reading a book about child abuse?" The answer is simple...Adeline Yen Mah didn't just survive her childhood, she triumphed. With great wisdom and insight, she tells a story not just about her life, but the life of China, before and after the cultural revolution and how both were changed forever. Despite her miserable childhood, she excelled, became a doctor, married and found freedom and a new life in America. This is an amazing, compelling story, told by an amazing woman who was not only able to put the past behind her, but was able to celebrate life and move forward.

I have always been fascinated by the Chinese culture. In my earlier years, I read The Good Earth and several other books by author, Pearl Buck.  I think after I finish reading Falling Leaves, I will reread some of her books.


  1. I have heard of that author. I will see if I can find this book. Stories of strength and triumph do a soul good.

  2. Sounds like a good read! Thanks!

  3. Sounds like a good one. I read some of Buck's books when in high school many, many years ago and am fascinated with her works.

  4. I finished this book today and it was wonderful!
