October 30, 2011

Vintage Shirtwaist Dresses

Saturday's yard sale was somewhat successful in spite of the cold temperatures and heavy rains.  I was able to sell a lot of dollhouse items that I have accumulated over the years.  My neighbor and I enjoyed our time together and our families met for lunch at the end of the sale.  

After everything was put away from the yard sale, my friend and I went to an estate sale near my house. All items were priced very reasonably.  There was one closet full of shirtwaist dresses probably from the 60's.  At twenty five cents each, I picked out eight.  Lily will have a whole new wardrobe for next summer!

This dress is made of heavy polyester and reminds me of Jackie Kennedy.

I can see Lucy wearing these teal and white polka dots on "I Love Lucy"!

This reminds me of dresses the ladies wore to my little country church when I was a child.

All of the dresses were Made In U.S.A.!  Yah!  

I also found this cute little train case for $5.  I know it's very old.


  1. Lucky sale! Yep, looks like Lucy, alright! :-)

  2. Love all these. Made in the USA - my heart be still.

  3. Great finds! I especially like the little suitcase. I could find things to put into that!

  4. I just bought a red train case this week too! I think I'll use mine for craft stuff. Thanks for stopping by Rita's Recipes. Be sure to try the Baked Apple Pancakes with you new apples. It's our fall favorite! We had it this morning.
    Very yummy!!

  5. Very cool finds, Sharon. I'd love to be able to wear things like that here, but need to do a little "reshaping" first. ;-)
    Happy Halloween to you and the girls.
    Donna and Tag
