October 10, 2011

Vintage Stick Pins

When I was young and worked in an office every day, I always wore a pin on my blouse or jacket.  I remember my favorites were my stick pins which were so popular in the 60's.  I was going through my jewelry yesterday and came across these three.  The cut-out  monogram was mine and the other two were my mothers.  I remember cross stitching the tiny S for her.

I decided to put them in this pincushion on my dresser so I can enjoy them.  Who knows, I may even wear one of them sometime.


  1. I still have a couple of gold stick pins left, but I have lost the end thingies. I used to have a cross stitch 'S' one too. ;-)

  2. How precious are the memories and now you have them out where you can enjoy them in your lovely little pin cushion pitcher. Blissful...

  3. These are true treasures. Can't believe you could cross stitch something that small!

  4. I have a few, too! Yours are so beautiful!

  5. Those are cute Sharon! I love the one with your initials on it. I can't imagine cross stitching such a small letter like that! You did a great job on that!

  6. I have one that was my great grandma's. It's still in the original box. Such a treasure.
    xx, shell

  7. Oh I love stickpins and hatpins also Sharon and although mine are all lost (on many moves around the country) I am enjoying looking at yours!
    Have a happy, bright day!
    Tina xo
