November 3, 2011

Such a Beautiful Morning!

Yesterday I visited some friends who live on a farm in Orange County, VA.  The view of the Blue Ridge Mountains and the surrounding farms was so beautiful.

The owner of the farm and her daughter were  preparing the horses to ride the wooded trails behind her house this morning.  She is a breeder of Australian Shepherds and they were happily mingling with the horses. 

These roses were still gorgeous in spite of the cold nights!

"Cookie" lives inside and is not the least bit interested in all the activity going on outside.

I had a marvelous visit and hope to go back again soon. I'm thinking it will probably be when the next litter of puppies is born!


  1. Gosh every one has the greatest pictures to share - these are so gorgeous - what a nice time you had.

  2. What a beautiful area. I love the wide open vistas.

  3. Beautiful countryside there! Looks like you had a nice visit!
