December 28, 2011

We Bought A Zoo

I saw this movie over the holidays and it was one of the best I've seen in a while.  Matt Damon and Scarlett Johansen were at their best and the animals were beautiful.  The story is based on a true story about a journalist whose young wife dies and he decides he needs a new start for his family.  It was sad at times but very funny also!


  1. Thanks Sharon, always on the lookout for good movies, you can't trust the magazine reviews anymore.

  2. Hi dear Sharon, I didn't like the Matt Damon (love him) and Scarlett Johansen (don't especially like her only in The Girl with the Pearl Earring) combination. If you say it's good, I'll take The Herbal Husband and go. Happy New Year! xxoo Nancy P.S. Have seen Sherlock Holmes twice already! Loved it. Maybe a little too loud and grusome for you, but I love Robert Downey, Jr as Sherlock!

  3. We are going Saturday - tell me it ends good. sandie

  4. I was wondering if this was good! Just want to wish you a wonderful New Year ahead! blessing,Kathleen
