February 16, 2012

Cracker Jacks and Mary Janes

Do any of you remember when Cracker Jack boxes looked like this?  I was at the Cracker Barrell last week and spied this box.  It was like seeing an old friend.  I picked up a package of Neccos (I loved the chocolate ones), some Mary Janes and a pack of Clove gum.

When I was about seven or eight, I took swimming lessons.  I had to meet a school bus at out local service station and ride about 10 miles to the Potomac River.  (There were no pools in my area in those days).  Before loading the bus, everyone would by a bag of "penny" candy for the ride.  Most of the time, I had a quarter and would buy those little wax bottles with sugary syrup inside, Squirrel Nuts, Mary Janes, etc.  Oh, I almost forgot candy cigarettes.  I hope I saved all these treats for the ride home, but if I didn't, that explains why I can't swim very well to this day!


  1. I remember all these - and candy cigarettes - which tasted terrible - remember?

  2. Neccos - I liked the orange ones! Oh, do you remember those tasteless little things that looked like ice cream cones?

    Haha, I was thrown off the dock, it was sink or swim!

  3. We've both been traveling down Memory Lane -- I've been listening to old record albums this past week! One of my favorite treats was stopping for an ICEE on the way home from church on Sundays!

  4. What a wonderful story and yes, I remember all of these candies. I remember feeling sad for my children a few years ago when I tried to explain to them what "penny candy" meant and how special it was to have even a dime to buy so much.

  5. I remember when the prizes inside the Cracker Jack box were real toys instead of the plastic or paper things of recent years. Hmmm... I am ancient.
