March 29, 2012

Arabelle's Day at the Bay

My mom and I left yesterday to visit relatives who live on the Cheasapeake Bay.  Mom says the trip was mostly about me so I could tell you about it today.

On the way to the beach, I got to eat lunch at McDonald's and share my mom's McNuggets.  I only get "people food" on special occasions. 

My cousin has a new kitten and what a terror he is!  He's tiny (about 10 weeks) but I was so intimidated by him.  He tried to smack my nose with his sharp claws.  I yelped and hid behind my cousin.  It was so embarrassing!  He doesn't have a name yet but I have a few suggestions...

The beach was beautiful this morning. I ran laps, played in the water and rolled on dead bugs.  Mom says she's still picking little seashells out of my fur.


I had a wonderful nap on the way home, except for a few nightmares dreams about that evil kitten.


  1. Except for the "naughty" kitty is sounds like a great day!
    I hope your Mom has a nice weekend!

  2. Looks like a great day at the beach. sandie

  3. You be sure to tell your mom how wonderful she is, alright?

  4. Poor Arabelle, my sweet.
    I would have handled that kitty for you. Nothing scares me! (Well, except for that HUGE needle the vet used yesterday to draw my blood sample! Let's not talk about that, shall we?)

    Thinking of the day I see you again.
    Smooches from your Florida boyfriend.

  5. We've met a few kittens like that too!! I'm glad you had a good trip, and I hope you've had a good weekend too!!
