April 20, 2012

Birds Update

The baby birds are outgrowing their nest.  It doesn't look like they have room to move!  It's amazing how you can clearly see their feathers.

They are House Finches.  The father has some red feathers as you can see from the picture below.  The mom is speckled brown.  The male was on my  porch this morning singing to the little ones and and he is very loud!


  1. OMG, aren't they the cutiest? They are so amazing! Thanks for sharing, Sharon! Have a great weekend! The Judi Dench movie about India is supposed to be out soon! Can't come soon enough! xxoo Nancy

  2. They are cuties!! I figure with a cold weekend, and rain expected our little baby birds will be hatching! :-)

  3. What a wonderful thing to observe. I noticed in town yesterday that little birds were building nests in many unlikely places in the shopping areas. Today was a spring day in the canyon too and birds were singing outside my open window.

  4. They look so big when we see the pic... but of course they are tiny ... nice family I have to say! :D
    have a nice weekend!

  5. It's so wonderful to watch the miracle of life unfold right next to your home. God is good.
    Sunday Blessings, my friend.
    Donna and Tag

  6. Beautiful pictures - happy spring!

  7. Faces that only a mother could love. The good part about spring - all the babies!

    Ellen Hite
