April 4, 2012

I'm Back!

This little bunny is a quilt piece I found at an estate sale last weekend.
This week I've neglected my blog (and everything else) because I've been sewing all week.  I've been making pillows.  Sewing for me is like reading, I go for a long time without doing it and then when I start, I can't stop.

The crocheted topper on this pillow was part of a  vintage table cloth.

The center of this pillow is a piece of cross stitch I found at a thrift shop.  The pewter dogs were  on it.

The lovely embroidered lady is part of a damaged vintage dresser scarf.

I love finding a new purpose for things!  Stay tuned for more pillows in a few days.


  1. B e a u t i f u l cushion covers. I especially like the upcycled crinoline lady. Happy easter from Australia to the USA.

  2. Love them! Of course you know the bunny one is my favorite! ;)

  3. I have probably told you before, but I admire anyone who can sew (because I can't!) and create something lovely like these pillows!

    I hope you're doing well, and you're having a good week!!

  4. I love all your pillow creations. What a lucky find with the "Dogs" cross stitch. I remember working on Dresser scarves as a child :-) using yours in a pillow slip is a great idea!
