April 16, 2012

My Mom's Birthday

Had she lived, my mom would be 101 years old today.  She was a sweet, gentle lady who never drank, smoked or used bad language.  She read her Bible everyday and took me to our little country church every Sunday morning and Wednesday night. 

She had eight grandchildren and they adored her!  When my daughters were teens she loved to jump in the car with them and go out to eat or get yogurt.

She loved flowers and birds, especially hummingbirds.   No one ever came to our house without taking home a cutting from her "lace-cap" hydrangeas or a root from one of her annuals.

She passed when she was 88 and we all miss her!


  1. What a lovely tribute, Sharon. I know all too well how you never get over missing someone like your Mom in your life because of what an important and big part of your life they are. But thankfully 'we' have our memories of our Mothers that can never be taken away and who we are, is because of their amazing examples.

  2. I'm sure that GOD has blessed you because of your mother. What a dear looking lady she was. Thanks for sharing.

  3. My adopted mom would have been 101 this year as well! She passed away at 80! She tried to get me to church! End of story! xxoo Nancy

  4. My mom passed away in 1986 and I miss her every day, but feel her close to me in my heart. It is good to have had a great mom, isn't it?
    You got a compliment on the Award Free button you made for me. I thought that was nice and wanted to let you know.

  5. Your Mom looks like she was a darling ~ what twinkly eyes and happy smile.
    Just began following your button blog.... I am a button floozie, too, and I didn't even know it.

  6. She took you to Sunday school and read her Bible every day. It is those kind of sweet memories that really stay with us. What a lovely lady was your mom, I bet she was a happy person. Mine is 86 and I will miss her dearly when she passes.
