June 29, 2012

My Favorite Summer Sandwich

I've noticed there are lots of avocados in the produce departments now so I thought I'd share this with you.  I love making a sandwich with sliced avocado, cream cheese, and bacon on  multi-grain bread.

Also, there's a little restaurant in my area that serves the best bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich.  She adds fresh basil leaves and you wouldn't believe what a wonderful addition the basil is.

Do you have a favorite summer sandwich you'd like to share?

We have severe storms and high winds heading toward our area so I guess I'll finish this and get out the flashlights.  All three corgi girls have to get on my bed when it storms and it gets pretty crowded.  The temperature in Central Virginia was over 100 today and broke a record.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the upcoming holiday.


  1. We hope the storm has passed without issue. As you know we are the home of the sandwich here and I like them all. Have a happy Saturday to you and yours.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. I think I could eat an avocado anything. That sandwich sounds excellent. I would add sprouts : )

  3. Toasted home made whole wheat bread with home made goat milk ricotta cheese with a little mayonnaise and a sprinkle of garlic powder and sliced fresh out of the garden tomatoes. Nothing better! Hoping there are no problems with the storm. Here we're having issues of fire. Seems like the whole state is on fire.

  4. Your sandwiches sound heavenly, Sharon! My favorite for summer is to slice a fresh from the garden tomato (you know, the ones with REAL summer flavor). Spread Duke's mayonnaise on fresh white bread, then sliced cheddar or brick cheese. Adorn with a few tomato slices. Sprinkle with pepper (and fresh basil would be delightful!), then put the other slice of bread on top. Serve with unsweet iced tea with a mint garnish. OK. I'm off to make a sandwich now! ;-)
    PS. It's funny. I just took photos of my fresh 'maters to do a post on this for next week! Great minds, right? lol)
    Hugs to you and the girls!
    Donna and Tag

  5. Panera Bread has a wonderful roasted turkey, avocado and BLT sandwich at the moment. I'm thoroughly addicted, Sharon. The basil does sound good as well. Sometimes I use basil like lettuce! It is hotter than you know what here as well. Saw Seeking a Friend from the End of the World. It was weird. We also saw Hysteria about the invention of the personal vibrator in Queen Victoria's time no less. It was hysterical! Pun intended! It had Hugh Dancy in it who is one of my favorite English actors. So Sharon hope the dogs are keeping the fan going in your direction. Going to see Magical Kingdom on Monday. I'll let you know. xxoo Nancy

  6. That is EXACTLY how I like my Avocado sandwich, but I add a thin slice of Tomato, as well.
    Thank you so much for the seeds, they will be planted forthwith. They are awfully cute to boot!
