June 7, 2012

Projects, etc.

This week has been so busy for me.  One of my daughters broke her foot a couple of weeks ago and the other one moved into a new house recently so I've been trying to help both of them.  We've had fun working on projects together.

My personal project has been working on this metal chandelier that I got at an estate sale a few Saturdays ago.  It had been used on a covered porch in the city so it was covered with dirt and grim.  Cleaning it took hours and hours and lots of Q-tips to get the inside area.  Since I didn't take a "before" picture, I can only tell you about it.  It was the same ivory but the flowers were red and blue.  I painted it to match the colors in my dining room.

I love hot air balloons and have been up twice.  This light brings back memories of those wonderful experiences!


  1. Oh wow, that is a beautiful chandelier! Great work on the restoring it!

    1. Oh how I wish I could edit a comment... here I go again: Great work restoring it! :)

  2. Nice chandelier and hope you enjoyed making it look so good!
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Beautiful restoration. You are so talented!

  4. Oh my gosh is that light ever the coolest! What a great find!

  5. I thought I had seen everything, but I have never seen a chandelier like that, what a great find!


  6. Would you be willing to sell this?
