August 6, 2012

I Won!

I was so thrilled when I received an email from Shell of The Raspberry Rabbits telling me I won this beautiful Christmas folk art tree.  Shell is an extremely talented textile folk artist and I have admired her work with quite some time.  I thoroughly enjoy her blog and love her furry employees, Harrington and Hannah.

I hope you'll take time to stop by Raspberry Rabbits and say hello to Shell and the bunnies.


  1. Oh how lucky are you! That is a darling Christmas tree!

  2. Lucky you! Hope things have calmed down! Maybe not! You won! xxoo Nancy

  3. Perfect that you won Shell's giveaway, Sharon! I'm sure you'll enjoy having her handwork in your home. Doesn't she do beautiful work?
    Happy Week, girlfriend.
    Donna and Tag

  4. Congratulations and well done and what a cool prize. Have a great Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. Christmas in August! Love those bunnies. We had a Dutch miniature when I was a kid; they make wonderful pets.
