April 29, 2013

Corgi Smiles! Spring Beach Day - 4/20/13

Check out this cute video:  Corgi Beach Day   Watch for the cute corgi girl in the pink and white polka dot bikini near the beginning.

April 27, 2013


Last week I entered a Summer Sweepstakes through a link for a publishing company I saw on an author's website.  Since I hardly ever win anything, I didn't give it a second thought until I received an email saying I was one of the  winners.  Still skeptical, I thought I'll believe it when I receive the books.  Three days later, I received the package.   They are all written by southern women and  a few are first time authors.  The books are scheduled to be released this spring and summer.   I couldn't wait to read Beth Hoffman's new book that will be  released the end of May.  I started it the same afternoon I received the package and stayed up until 2:30 a.m. to finish.  What a great book!

These are the other five I received.  I'll let you know as I read each one of them.  Other than the lottery, I couldn't have won anything that I'd enjoy more!

April 21, 2013


Last weekend I went to the Farmers Market/Flea Market in southern Maryland.  It was a beautiful Saturday.  I enjoyed seeing the Amish vendors with their baked goods and small animals.  I was looking for small furniture items that I could fix up for my shop. 

The only thing I bought was this magnet vase for fifty cents to add to my Susan Paley collection.  Her name is Rosie.  I love her red hair and blue eyes.
I have four of these tiny vases and I like to keep flowers on my refrigerator door when I have something blooming in my yard (even if it's a blooming weed).
I hope you've had a great weekend.  I really haven't accomplished much but have enjoyed being at home with my furkids.

April 16, 2013

A Great Day for Reading!

Recently a friend I met through my blog recommended this book by Beth Hoffman.  I don't know about you, but it was hard for me to focus on any projects today.  The tragedy in Boston yesterday left me feeling somewhat empty.  I decided the pile of mulch at the end of my driveway could wait and I started reading Saving Cee Cee Honeycutt.  I couldn't put it down and finished the entire book before I stopped reading.  The story is very sweet and I love the author's writing style.  Thanks, Bonnie, for suggesting it to me.
My daughters and I were in Boston a few years back around this same time.  It is a city rich in history and charm and beautiful in the springtime.  I still can't believe this horrific act happened!

April 12, 2013

Money Plant

"money plant"
 Last year I shared seeds from my "money plant" with several of you.  I thought it might be helpful to show you what my plants look like now. 
This is the cutest picture, especially if you work in banking.

Have a great weekend!

April 8, 2013

Yard Work and Totems

For the last several days, I've started my days having coffee on the front porch and then worked in  my yard most of the day.  I've been weeding, putting down mulch and raking leaves.  I am so out of shape and by night every bone in my body is squeaking and my muscles are aching.

This little corgi princess took naps in the sunshine while I was  doing yard work.  I'm almost finished and everything looks so green and pretty.  I love this time of year!

Over the weekend I made these two yard totems. They are easy to make and inexpensive if you buy the dishes at yard sales, flea markets, etc.  They are not inexpensive if you buy them in a shop. These two would probably cost about $40 each. Be sure you use marine epoxy if you decide to make one.  Mine are mounted on copper pipe. Email me if you want more info.