April 16, 2013

A Great Day for Reading!

Recently a friend I met through my blog recommended this book by Beth Hoffman.  I don't know about you, but it was hard for me to focus on any projects today.  The tragedy in Boston yesterday left me feeling somewhat empty.  I decided the pile of mulch at the end of my driveway could wait and I started reading Saving Cee Cee Honeycutt.  I couldn't put it down and finished the entire book before I stopped reading.  The story is very sweet and I love the author's writing style.  Thanks, Bonnie, for suggesting it to me.
My daughters and I were in Boston a few years back around this same time.  It is a city rich in history and charm and beautiful in the springtime.  I still can't believe this horrific act happened!


  1. We just read the interview on Coffee with Canine which was with a service dog handler. We thought that was so timely. We feel for the people of Boston and for your country too. Sunday is our marathon and we know London will be out in support.
    Love your header.
    Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly
