November 21, 2013

A New Project

A few weeks ago I found this cabinet at the flea market for $30.  It is the top off a vintage desk.  My original plan was to paint it and sell it in my shop.  The wood was a dark mahogany color and it took a coat of stain killer and four coats of white to cover.   As I was working on it, the idea came to me that it would be quite pretty on my guest room wall to display some of the odd pieces of china I've collected over the years.    The picture on the bottom shelf is a gorgeous piece of cross stitch that I rescued and framed.  It is stitched on the smallest count fabric (can't remember what that was called).  I painted the stripes on the inside with the same paint as the walls.

Last week, a friend and I spent the day in Leesburg, VA.  I love that town!  There are so many lovely shops and great restaurants. These are a few pictures we took that day.


  1. I love how your cabinet project turned out. It looks just great, fitted out with some of your lovely collectibles. I bet you had a grand time in Leesburg!

    Tag sends his love (and so do I!)

  2. What a dinky little cabinet and it looks great. Nice job.
    Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. I love what you did to this cabinet. Especially the pink strips. perfect....

  4. I love how you honor times gone by. The cabinet is just lovely.

  5. a lovely cabinet looks great on the wall and your day out, such a lovely looking town

  6. Hi there! First time at your blog! I was drawn in by your blog name! :) Such a cute little cabinet to display your treasures in! Going to look around your sweet blog some more, have a lovely rest of the week! xo Holly

  7. I have heard of Leesburg and thought it sounded like a good place to visit. Too bad it is on the opposite coast because that little shop looks fun.
