November 5, 2013

Daylight Saving Time and Miss Heidi

This has been a difficult week!  Changing my clocks back an hour was so simple but switching Heidi (in the above picture) is a totally different storyHeidi has always been a very serious, no nonsense kind of gal and does not like any deviation from her schedule.  Our normal feeding time before the clock change was 5 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. with a generous amount of carrot snacks in between.  That schedule isn't exactly wonderful for a retired grandma like me but I could live with it because I love my corgi girls.  However,  I cannot live with 4 a.m. and 2 p.m.  For the last three mornings her furry little paws hit the side of my bed and the barking begins at 4 a.m., give or take a few minutes.  She and I have had a few serious discussions and I'm hoping by the end of the week, we'll find a satisfactory compromise.
Sometimes I really question whose in charge around here!


  1. My doggies are TOTALLY in charge of my home!

  2. OMD 5am is bad enough. We get fed when the peeps is ready in the morning and that is it but afternoons we do insist on punctuality LOL. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. I've had the same problem with Jack jack he goes down stairs and barks at 4:00am to be let outside, I wind up just doing it and falling asleep on the couch

  4. Oh, I know how it cat Salem is also used to being able to go outside at a particular time in the morning. He is not happy with the time change at all.

  5. Oh she's so cute!!! (: Our Jerry does the same thing to wake us up too!
    (: Holly
