December 21, 2014

Final Tribute to My Beautiful Hanna

Last Thursday, with the help of my wonderful vet, my Hanna went to the bridge.  She suffered from complications of Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) and was in constant pain that couldn't be controlled by medication.  Her corgi sister, Heidi, and I miss her terribly.  She was six months old when Heidi came to live with us and they were always best buddies.  She was my first corgi and my "heart dog."


  1. I am saddened you have lost your little lady, I can relate so many times to such loss. Cheerful memories are a gift, give your other puppy twice the love this season. Still, I send you Christmas Greetings from the Hollow, I so enjoyed your visit this summer. Jer

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about Hanna. It's never easy. They're important members of the family. I can relate. I lost my Sophie this past September to cancer. She was 14, but a rescue and we had her since she was 6. However long is never long enough.

  3. We are so sorry. How terribly sad for you. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Sending gentle hugs from across the pond.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. Even though they tear our hearts apart when they leave us, I wouldn't have missed the experiences and memories for the world. Hanna was such a sweet girl.

  5. My heart goes out to you as I totally understand. Three years ago I lost my cat, Perri Winkleman and my beloved apricot poodle, Emily in the course of three weeks. It was the hardest thing to lose both in less than a month. A month went by and then we got Lucy, how is a malchi, half chihuahua and half maltese and we recently rescued a shorkie, which is half schnauzer and half yorkie and they have provided all the love that they can. However, I will never get over the loss of my Perri Winkleman and Emily, but it will get easier as time passes. Time to go out and get another dog for your remaining dog. Merry Christmas, and b/c they all love us unconditionally, the only way we can pay them back is to let them go when they are in pain. Peace in your heart today and always.

  6. Oh no! I'm so sorry Sharon! Sending you lots and lots of hugs for your heart!

  7. I'm so sorry, Sharon. I missed this post when you put it up, but remember you telling me that Hanna was having trouble. Sending you deepest sympathy and prayers for your healing. Snuggle Heidi and remember all the happier days with Hanna.
    Donna and Tag
