March 6, 2015

It's All About PERL!

Perl arrived last Saturday and this has been the most amazing week!  I have had so much fun just holding her, taking naps with her and laughing at her cute little antics.  She's doing great with her potting training but we're having some issues with  sleeping in her crate at night.  Her vet says she has "separation anxiety" and I  am suffering from the same issue.  I can't wait to get up in the morning and take her out of her crate.  She and Miss Heidi have adjusted very well to each and Heidi even plays with her occasionally.  For the first few days, she  ignored her completely but she's coming around.

I had forgotten how much fun it is to have a puppy and it's been quite a while since I've had one with a tail!

We've had extremely cold weather and snow this week but next week is supposed to be more "springlike".  It will be so nice to get outside with the corgi girls.


  1. OMG, I am so happy for you, nothing like a new puppy, especially after suffering a loss of another. Cannot replace, but can be a beautiful substitute. She is so lovely, those eyes are piercing, she has certainly captured my heart!! My puppies sleep with me, yes they are spoiled, but I LOVE it. Have fun with her, you have many, many happy years ahead. Good luck and enjoy!

  2. Kim, She will eventually sleep with me, I'm sure.
    For now, she's too small to not be contained. She might get hurt!

    Thanks for your sweet comments and for visiting my blog.

  3. AWWW..I would want to hug and kiss her all day long! Our dogs sleep with us...they go into their crates when we leave the house.
    Have FUN!

  4. She is absolute adorable!!! A puppy really is a lot of fun--Enjoy every minute, just as you are, it goes by way too fast!!!!!!!

  5. How great for you and enjoy every puppy moment. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. AWWWWW... She is so precious....

  7. What a beautiful little puppy!

  8. Oh, what a beautiful little girl she is!!! xo

  9. Oh, what a beautiful little girl she is!!! xo

  10. Adorable! I'm sure the separation anxiety will pass in time.
