November 16, 2011

J. Edgar

This past Sunday, my friend and I went to see the movie, J. EdgarA couple times last week I heard that Leonardo Dicaprio would certainly get an academy nomination for his role in this movie. I was disappointed!  It was interesting in that I remembered most of the historical events that they highlighted, but otherwise, I thought it was slow and boring at times.  Did any of you see J. Edgar and what did you think?


  1. No, haven't seen it, I was wondering if it would be any good or not. Thanks for the review!

  2. Hi Sharon, we are going this afternoon. I'm again going for the performances because the reviewer in our paper said that the cast out shined the script! 2 hours and 30 minutes, come on Clint! He has problems with his editing! I'll let you know.

  3. Hi Sharon and no I have not had the opportunity to see it but have heard mixed reviews.
    I would suppose some of us who either remember the events personally or had parents who told us all about the mood of the times then, would have a different feeling about how it is portrayed now.
    Hope you are doing well and having a good day!
    Tina xo

  4. Hi Sharon, After having to go to two theaters, we saw it this afternoon. We both liked it. It was too long, but a very good performance from Leo. His makeup was amazing. I also always enjoy the sets and costumes.

  5. I does sound interesting. I will wait to rent it, then I won't be nearly as disappointed if I don't like it.
