November 15, 2011

Send One Extra Holiday Card

I want to share this information that a friend recently posted on her Facebook page.   It's a wonderful idea!

When addressing your Christmas/Holiday cards this year, take time to send one more to:

A Recovering American Soldier
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue, NW
Washington, D. C.  20307-5001

Just think how many cards these wonderful people who have sacrificed so much will receive!


  1. This is terrific! I am going to send several cards! Thanks for posting this.

  2. I think that is a great idea. Thanks. sandie

  3. Yes, thank you! I'm going to send 1 or more myself! Just a small token of appreciation!

  4. Thanks for the reminder Sharon! I sent them one last year. I still haven't found my perfect picture of the kids for my Christmas card this year. I've got to get on that one real soon!


  5. Oh thank you so much for this address. This is what I love to do...bring a smile to others.

  6. What a great idea Sharon! I always have cards left over and no one to send them to so I have written down the address and will be sending them on to our brave men and women this year! Have a sweet day my friend!
    Tina xo
