October 14, 2012

Larkin Desks

In my search for "treasures" this past weekend I found this beautiful desk.   The tag was marked "Larkin desk".  I bought it for my bedroom and couldn't wait  to do a Google search for its history.
They were built in the late 1800's as premium gifts from the Sweet Home Soap company which was owned by John Larkin.  Housewives sold the soap to their neighbors and friends and were rewarded with certificates that they could redeem for a beautiful oak desk.  Most of the desks are larger than mine and have oval mirrors at the top.

I see Larkin desks frequently in antique shops.  You can identify them by the beautiful oak wood and ornate trim.  Because there are so many available, they are not terribly expensive.


  1. I like that - I don;t know the name but it is pretty.

  2. VERY pretty. Love the natural wood!
    How is your search for a home for the corgi girl going?

  3. Very pretty and an interesting history.

  4. A lovely find with an interesting history. I can tell how much you enjoy these searching for treasures shopping trips. Hope all the doggies are OK.
