October 11, 2012

One Last Look at My Summer Flowers

It's pretty hard to take a picture at my house without a corgi in it!
Temperatures will be dropping at night this weekend so I wanted to share these last pictures of my summer flowers with you before they are gone.


Every year I buy a $12 fern at Home Depot and just drop it down in this planter.  I haven't fertilized it at all and it is huge.  Sure wish I had someplace to keep it over the winter.

The fairy garden has grown a lot this summer.  Of course, there's a corgi in it too!
In the past, I haven't had good luck with New Guinea impatiens but these have thrived.  They get morning sun which must be perfect for them.

My Christmas cactus is full of blooms and I'll be bringing it inside in the next few days.
I'll headed to my sister's for the weekend.  We'll be looking for treasures that I can fix up and put in my shop space.  Hope you have a great weekend!


  1. Beautiful flowers Sharon! You've gotta love a corgi in a picture! I'm always happy if I can get mine in a picture around my house. I love the fern. They don't love me though. I tried to have one and they did not like it at my house so I gave up. I didn't get around to doing up a pretty flower garden this year. Hopefully next year.

    Hope you have a great time with your sister on your treasure hunt!


  2. I've got a Home Depot fern, too! Mine thrived as well! I will bring it in soon, but invariably, the dry air of winter indoors will eventually be it's demise....plus they are SO messy. They shed like a corgi!

  3. The fairy garden in a wagon is wonderful! It sure must agree with the plants!

  4. The fern is lovely and the garden looks very pretty. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. Hello Sharon!! I've somehow missed your last few posts--I hope you are doing well! But what great lovely flowers color you have at the end of the season--I'm so jealous of that cactus! :-) My asters which are a newcomers to my garden (a gift from a fellow blogger) are blooming and I wish I had more of them to bright up the brown!

    Enjoy your weekend!! Take care!!
