May 24, 2014

Happy Memorial Day!

I had a serious scare this week when Heidi ate fertilizer that I put around my hollies.  I won't go into unpleasant details but she was ill and spent a day at the vet's office.  Heidi will eat anything, a natural corgi trait, I'm afraid.  Please be careful if you are working in your yard this weekend and are using chemicals. This pic was taken today and she is fully recovered, I hope.

Now for some pictures I took in my yard this morning.  It is a beautiful day in central Virginia!

There is a party going on in my gnome garden on the front porch...

Miss Lilly, my garden lady

This is a gnome garden I made for my daughter in a mini wagon.

And last, but not least, is this beautiful feather I found in the front yard when I was taking pictures.  I think it is from an owl who lives in the wooded area behind my house.

Have a safe and fun holiday!


  1. We so hope Heidi is over the worse. What a horrid scare. We have to be careful with weed killer as this time of year Spring grass is so tempting and can be eaten when acting as a weed in the patio areas. We stay alert. Things happen and at least fingers and paws crossed all is OK. Love your planting creations. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Glad that she is little Sweet Pea eats everything too!!! Fun to see your gnome gardens and flowers! My lilacs are blooming :)

  3. I'm so glad to hear that Heidi is feeling better, but hate it she got sick! I don't know if my Jazz would eat that or not but I read your post to my husband so he will be careful when/if he uses it in the garden. I love all of your displays. They are so cute!

    Happy Memorial Day!

  4. So glad that Heidi's ok, Sharon. You must have been worried sick! Enjoy your garden and have a restful weekend, my dear. Hugs to you, Hannah and Heidi from Tag and me.


  5. Oh My what a scare about Heidi . It's such a scare when our doggies get sick especially with things like eating fertilizer
    My pugs always just wanted their doggie food
