May 30, 2014

Train Trip to NYC!

On Memorial Day a friend and I traveled to New York City on the train.  For the next three days we walked for miles and saw  many of the city's beautiful landmarks.  

Our ride through Central Park in the late afternoon was my favorite.  

This part of the park was donated by J. Lennon's wife after he was killed.

Lennon's apartment building is right outside the park and his wife still lives there.

Another highlight was this trading company where they sold buttons, antique trims, cards, banners, and hundreds of vintage and new ribbons.

I love this beautiful city and can't wait to go back!


  1. Hope you had a lovely time in NY and you get the chance to go back soon. Have a super Saturday.
    best wishes Molly

  2. I have always wanted to do that! You went to Tinsel Trading Company!!!???!!!!! I am soooooooooooooo JEALOUS!!! ;) So glad you had a wonderful time.
