January 11, 2012

My Quilt of Many Colors

When I was in high school, my home economics class made shirtwaist dresses that were so popular in the 60's.   Several of my friends from the sewing class contributed scraps from their dresses for this quilt that my mother was making me.  Today I love looking at the quilt and remembering each classmate and their dresses.  I didn't realize at the time what sentimental value this piece would have!

Get well wishes to my beautiful friend who had triple bypass surgery last week.  Several of the fabric squares are from her dresses.  It's been a little over a month ago since we shared lunch at the Blue Willow Tea Room. I can't wait to see her again and give her a very gentle hug!


  1. It was so good to meet you today! I am sorry that it is rainy and cold for your visit here to the Valley. Maybe you can return in the Spring or summer. Meanwhile, I'll keep tuning in to Corgis In My Garden!

  2. Hi--came over to you from Yesteryear Embroideries and have been enjoying your posts! I remember the little 60's dresses, and enjoyed them so much! How I would love to have a figure that would allow me to wear them again! How wonderful that your Mom made this quilt out of the scraps from dresses your friends wore! Very nice! Come visit me at A Colorful World (daughterm.blogspot.com) and I also have a quilting blog you can link to from there. Great visiting with you!
