November 22, 2010

Glass Ball Ornament Wreath

I have seen several of these wreaths for sale this year and they are  expensive.  After a little research, I found these instructions online.

Take a wire coat hanger and bend it into a circle.  You will need about 80 round ornaments in varying sizes to make the wreath.  To secure the metal cap to ball, dab a little hot glue and press to insure that the cap will remain attached as the ornaments are strung.  Untwist the end of the hanger, then string one ornament at a time.  Make sure you alternate placement and colors.  Use smaller sizes to fill gaps.
Let me know if you try this.  It sounds so easy!


  1. That's one way to do it! My mom used to make and sell these before she went totally prim in her store. She hot glued them to a styrofoam wreath. I still have two. One was pink and cream balls for my year of victorian christmas and the other was blue and silver for my blue christmas theme. They are very pretty but sadly no longer go with my prim house.

    Carmen and the primcats

  2. you had me at wire hanger and hot glue!

    once I get done with some of these other projects I'd like to give that a go


  3. Carmen,

    Did your mom have another method of making them?

    I'd love to write about your primhouse on my blog if you send me some pics. Sounds adorable!

  4. Una corona preciosa. Gracias por la explicación de cómo hacer.
    Me encanta.
    Besos Clara

  5. I can understand why you like that wreath! It is gorgeous! I don't think I have 80 ornaments that would look good together. I am one of those that buys things that I see that I like and most times they don't even go together! lol

    Have a Great Day!
