April 15, 2011

I Love Spray Paint!

This has been a beautiful week and I've spent most of my time outside working in my yard.  I always get the urge to change things around a little this time of year.  My chairs and table on my deck was getting a little worn looking so I made a trip to the hardware store.  Did you know that Rustoleum has a whole new line of spray paint and the most beautiful colors?  I love taking something old and worn, spray painting it, and having a new item (new to me).
This is a picture of before.  The color was a rusty brown and very faded.  (Do you see the "corgi britches on the right? That's Miss Arabelle.  She always helps with projects around here.)

The new color is called "Oregano" and is a very soft green.  I love it!   I'm trying to think of another painting project.  There's a beautiful lilac color but what in the world could I paint with that?

Have a great weekend!  It's going to rain here tomorrow but sunny on Sunday.


  1. They really have stepped up their color palette. There are some stunning colors and very similar to the Maine Cottage colors. Nice job!!!

  2. That's a nice color that you have used, looks really classy! Perfect!

  3. Love the new color, Sharon! The set is beautiful. Always amazing what a little paint can do!

  4. Like that oregano color! Wonder why? Lucky for you to be outside. We have one day out and several days in! May have to consider building an ark! Give a pat to my (oh, your) girls for me! xxoo Nancy

  5. P.S. Love your new banner photo! Very you!
