September 22, 2011

Susan Paley Lady Vases

It's been quite a while since I added any new vases to my collection.  I found this little beauty, Maya, at a consignment store this week.  She is part of the birthday series and has an emerald necklace for the birthstone of the month of May. I haven't seen her before and fell in love with her soft colors and red hair.

This little lady is Roseanne. I found her at an estate sale a few weeks ago for $2.  She's in perfect condition with no chips or cracks.  Both vases are about 5 1/2 inches tall.

In case you are not familiar with these vases, the artist, Susan Paley, lives in California.  She designed a whole series of these ladies and they were reproduced and sold by the Ganz company  until the entire line was retired in 2006.  They are becoming very hard to find.  Her work is beautiful and I love the fine detail and their smiling faces. I  display mine with the pretty lace on my vintage handkerchiefs sticking out of the top.


  1. I guess they must be fairly rare, I have never seen one in person. Nice find!

  2. Hi Sharon!! I have been missing you and your blog, and am trying to get caught up...I love these sweet vases--If I see one, I'm going to snap it up, just for you! :-)

  3. Now you will have me looking for these. They would be a lot of fun to collect.

  4. Oh, I see these from time to time at thrift stores! I didn't know they were collectible!

  5. I found, about 10 inch, lady vase today.
    Would any one like to buy her. She is in great condition.

  6. I was watching an episode of One Day At A Time on Netflix and saw one on a shelf in the family living room. Noticed her because she was one that I have as well. Made me smile.

  7. Just found one of her bag vases in lavender at goodwill. Darling lady on it. Mint condition. $2
